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  • Writer's pictureBryne Valenzuela

Uniqueness in the market space

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

Looking for something interesting yet not downtown Miami crazy? Take a trip up to Oakland Park and you'll find an out of the way gem. It's not something you would expect to find in south Florida but oh so worth it. I give you, Chainbridge Distillery.

Chainbridge specializes in brandy and vodka in the Hungarian style (they are working on a rum but, it's not available at the moment). You may be thinking, "Brandy? In Miami?" yes, yes it's here and it's something quite special. These are not your typical brandy or vodka and Bela is not your typical distiller. He's creative, soft spoken, his eyes shine when talking about his craft but the product does all the talking.

This is a family operation from start to finish. Bela and his wife along with his parents started the distillery. The day we visited his parents were outside staining the fence while Bela gave us a tour. Everything about Chainbridge reflects the love of family. The tasting room is warm, open and invites you in to sit a spell. It's is reminiscent of a local pub yet more open and bright.

The distillation floor is on the smaller side with everything from the stills to the juicer in one room. Yet, it does not feel cramped or lacking in anyway. The layout allows for a positive flow and ease of access. The still is from Hungary and I have to say pretty damn fascinating. The manufacturer has created art and married it beautifully with technology. From start to finish the stills are a work of art that you find yourself drawn to if you are in any way a nerd. In talking with Bela we found that the manufacturer built in remote access so that at any time they can connect in from anywhere and work on the system with him ensuring that it is optimized at all times. Now I'm a nerd and could go on all day about this bit but I won't.

Now let's talk spirits, have you ever had a vodka that felt like you were eating a glorious pesto sauce or a scrumptious caprese salad? What about a brandy that made you think you were five and nipping fresh banana bread from your grandma's kitchen? No, well you will once you sample the basil vodka or the banana brandy. I was stunned.

When I sampled the basil vodka I closed my eyes and my brain was instantly transported to a little Italian restaurant with a large, fresh plate of pesto linguine in front of me that it was devouring because the basil just envelopes your senses. As weird as it sounds I really wanted a tiny shot of balsamic vinegar to sip on the side. The banana brandy is a time portal. You close your eyes as it rolls around your tongue invoking a sense of nostalgia that just overpowers you. It's that real!

The beet brandy though is probably my favorite. It's not what you expect. For me, I was anticipating something spicy and sweet similar to beet sugar but, that's not what you get. It's earthy, it's bold and it's something that after your first taste, you find yourself going back again and again.

All of Chainbridge's flavors are this way. They produce flavors based on seasonal availability, what is fresh and at its peak. So if you find one you love, you may want to pick up enough to get you through to the year.


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