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  • Writer's pictureBryne Valenzuela

Research Travel

What is research travel? It is traveling to a place to gain knowledge of the culture, the people, the language, or any other variation around said place, at least to me that is what it is. I often ask myself, "Can I thrive here?" Notice I said thrive not live. You might be wondering what the difference is; let me explain.

Living is when you are able to do the necessary or needful tasks each day to afford food, clothing, shelter, and some extras like date night, movies, a concert, and a vacation once or even twice a year.

Thriving is when you having a feeling of joy. You don't wake up in dread and you are able to do events, activities, or have experiences in your day to day that sparks joy inside. You aren't focused on that day to day stress of meeting your needs therefore you can focus on your internal spark and what makes that come alive.

I have lived in places and I have simply survived in places (you know, not meeting your needs and constant struggle/juggle). I am currently in a place where I am living yet on the verge of thriving. And for me, I'm on the hunt for the ignition to that spark inside.

So when, I travel, I always ask myself, "Can I thrive here?".

Remember that when you travel to new places you will always get a sense of euphoria (if not, is it really a vacation?") but, the bigger question is will it bring your internal spark to life? Does it give you a sense of curiosity? A sense of belonging? If that answer is yes, then start researching!

By research, I mean, go to the local grocery stores. Go to the local coffee shops and cafes (not the tourist traps), window shop the real estate agents windows, check out the local library, get out of the tourist areas, sit and watch the locals, ask them questions about the areas, read up on the stats about the country and see where it aligns with your values.

For me, human rights are a biggie, animals, nature , and green energy. I am all about taking care of the planet so that it continues to take care of me. I want green energy as an option, good public transportation, diversity in the population (I find it boring when everyone looks the same), responsible pet ownership and animal husbandry, lots and lots of nature (we are talking more nature than people), and equality. I want good, local food, farmers markets and vintage shops (I'm a bit of a nut for vintage) and obviously, art (gimme ALL the art).

But I digress. Think about what thriving looks like to you. Make a list and then start writing down those places you think align with that. Add an extra day or two to any trip and just to try being a local. Do the same errands you would do at home (you don't have to actually buy anything). Make note of your experiences and reevaluate them when you get home. How does it compare emotionally? How does it compare mentally? Did you have a little fun or was it dread?

Tip -

If they have a hop on/hop off bus, do it on the first day. Get on and ride all the loops so you can see all the areas then target which ones you want to visit and revisit at different times over a 24 hour period.

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