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  • Writer's pictureBryne Valenzuela

Delivery Services - Just a thought

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

So in this time of COVID-19, we have all started to rely more heavily on delivery services such as Amazon and Instacart but what about for your whiskey or wine? Now while our cabinet at home is fairly well-stocked thanks to our time living in Chicago; I admit we live in a bit of a whiskey desert down here in South Florida. The selections are limited to big houses such as Glenfiddich, Balvenie, Jura, and Macallan. If you haven't been to our corner of the country, this is a gin town. Hands down. If it is daylight you are drinking coffee and if the sun is going down you are drinking gin or a cocktail.

Needless to say, it's a bit hard on this whiskey girl. My time searching out good whiskeys that are off the beaten path so to speak is increasing because I have to go farther afield to find unique spots with even more unique bottles, but I digress. So last week my husband encouraged me to seek out online services for liquor delivery and do a bit of digging to find the best one.

It's harder than you think for someone like me. I take great joy in going through the stores, shelf by shelf, bottle by bottle. I like to look at them, hold them, and then look online to see how much availability there is. Online doesn't give the same enjoyment but, it was an interesting concept and one I heartily dug into.

There are several sites to choose from and not all are within the United States. You also need to know your own state's laws; Florida has some pretty onerous ones about importing spirits for personal use. Actually they are downright ridiculous. I think any state who has laws against having liquor shipped directly to your house (or any legal product for that matter) is downright archaic. It's 2020 and time to accept that online retail is a major player in our everyday lives. Now if Amazon starts selling whiskey then okay maybe that will have an impact on the individual liquor stores but otherwise, it is really not a threat, and here is why; the taxes and shipping fees for online liquor sales are outlandish! Oh and there's the markup that some of these sites do (here's looking at you Caskers) which is blatant piracy in my mind.

So my thoughts around it are this, know what product you are looking for, know what price point it should be at, and know your state's laws before you go online. Also, when searching, I sort from Z to A as it brings up the unusual brands first. Most sites have their sort set to featured and I find that annoying but, it's marketing and I get that.

Below you will find a list of sites that I went to and once I receive my first order, I will come back and give you a review. (here's a hint, my box shipped from the Netherlands).

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