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  • Writer's pictureBryne Valenzuela

COVID Flight Times?

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

So, if you follow me on social media you know that this past weekend I got on a plane. Not only did I get on a plane but we actually took off! Okay, I jest. Seriously though, it was quite an eye-opening experience. We all know that there is a second or maybe it is a third wave of this virus coming with new cases occurring daily and we all know that every state, not just our country is handling it differently. What I did not expect was just how differently.

So I flew from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Atlanta, GA then to Jackson, MS stayed 48 hours, and flew back. A lot happened during that time as far as how the airports were handling the virus. Fort Lauderdale is very serious about masks, even to the point of TSA walking around telling people to put their mask on. The fountains are sealed off and they make sure that people are social distancing, lots of cleaning happening throughout. The people for the most part are adhering to the rules (there are always those who think they are special and rules don't apply).

I flew Delta expecting super clean planes and to be properly social distanced based on all their marketing (I'll post a link below). I was disappointed. Even with the middle seat being blocked you are still in close quarters with strangers (never realized just how crammed in the seats are) and they definitely did not wipe that first plane down between flights as there was some really gross goo on the screen and the back of the seat in front of me. I used the single sanitization wipe they give you upon entering the plane to clean the seat then pulled out my own to continue cleaning my area. The flight attendants on every flight seemed nervous or anxious, very jittery, and tense. The snacks were pre-packaged and that was your only option so if you had a food allergy to any of the ingredients, tough luck. No alcohol consumption on board. They make an announcement at the beginning of every flight. While they tried to space us out for boarding and deplaning no one paid attention and everyone treated it like pre-pandemic (think wildebeest migration across a river of crocodiles).

During the first flight, several people took their mask off (you are allowed to take it off to eat and drink) and kept it off the entire trip only putting it back on when it was time to deplane. The energy was palpable, needless to say, it was not a very relaxing flight even with good weather.

In Atlanta, the water fountains were open and available to drink from which surprised me (as I said there was no water fountain access in Florida). In the bathrooms, the sinks and stall were all open but there were signs about social distancing and wearing your mask. I saw most people with their mask on but not all properly worn (noses out and some used as chin guards or beard hammocks). Clearly, Atlanta and possibly Georgia have loosened their restrictions as opposed to Florida. What came next was a shocker.

So on to the next flight and on to Mississippi. I land and it is business as usual. The mask mandate had been lifted two weeks prior to my arrival and I was completely unaware. It was a bit of a shocker. Needless to say, I followed my own state's guidelines while there and I may have sanitized my hands, clothes, shoes, and everything I touched repeatedly. Mentally I was unprepared for how seeing groups of strangers milling about without masks would impact me. I admit it gave me a lot of anxiety. I was vastly disappointed in my birth state and their blatant disregard for science, for facts and data. I will say that I was happy to see all businesses still requiring masks and requiring all their employees to wear them. The signs for social distancing were still everywhere (even though no one adhered to it) but, it was at least something, right?

The flights home were very similar to the flights there and Atlanta's airport seemed to have relaxed a bit more about COVID precautions. My advice to anyone traveling is this if you can drive, do it. If you have to fly then you need to take your own precautions. I took extra packs of sanitizing wipes with me and extra masks. I changed out my masks each day and twice on the way home. I use reusable masks and all went into the wash as soon as I got home. I bought a travel size disinfectant spray and after each flight sprayed my luggage and myself with it. I also brought my Brita water bottle with a filter in it. I recommend getting tested before you travel to make sure you are not a carrier. I did get tested before I traveled and I will be getting tested again now that I am home. My hope is that I did not pick up the virus and transport it anywhere.

I do think that we need to find a new normal but I am not quite convinced that air travel or any large group travel is a good idea yet since each state is handling the pandemic in a different way. So, if you are traveling state to state I recommend you look up each state's current response to the pandemic and prepare your own travel kit to ensure your safety. If you are traveling out of the country, again look up the process and restrictions (or lack thereof) for every state/airport you are going through and that of your final destination so you are mentally prepared and have your own travel safety kit.

Also, transporting coffee in your luggage will get you inspected by TSA, just saying.

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