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  • Writer's pictureBryne Valenzuela

A trip to the Gin..

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

I'm a scotch and Irish whiskey drinker but lately I've made the foray into the gin world. For me, gin was always one of those spirits that left a foul taste (think early settlers medicine here) and an even fouler feeling hours later.

Fast forward to recent weeks, I've met some people who are passionate about their gin, the botanicals, the process and even down to cleaners they use (we're talking passion people). This got me thinking that I needed to cross that proverbial line and see what it was all about.

I have not a single regret, not one. In a moment I will share with you the brands but let me tell you about the experience that converted me to make a little space in my cherished cabinet for a few good gins (pun intended). Recently, my family relocated to Miami. This consists of myself, my husband and our three cats (daughter already here in college). I'm thinking I am doomed as I will not find any good spirits in Miami. All I knew was people drink fruity cocktails and beer, lots of beer.

An extensive search and some conversations at the local liquor stores and a few bars led us to Big Cypress Distillery. Here we met the Distiller himself, Fernando Plata. This man has passion and I mean, passion! He is so exuberant about his distillery and his gin. We spent a good two hours at the distillery talking about gin, about the botanicals, about the cleaning process, the recipes, the ingredients down to how the environment can impact the batches. Fernando has immersed himself in the process and it shows in his product.

Now, let's talk about that product. My favorites are the Magic City Gin and Hell's Bay Rum (think Christmas in a glass). I found myself gravitating repeatedly to the Magic City Gin. The taste is smooth, well blended and balanced in a way that I did not think a gin could be. While there is juniper, the vanilla is what lures you in and seduces you. Yes, folks, I said vanilla. It comes forward onto the palate and slides across like silk on your skin inviting you in for more and slowly, seductively introducing you to it's friends of juniper and citrus. But I digress. Needless to say that if you find an opportunity to sample some Big Cypress Gin, I promise you won't regret it.

Now, on to the others. Recently I attended a GIN 101 Social at St. Roch Market in Miami (yes, there is one in New Orleans too). During this social we met several brands and their ambassadors, learned a lot of the history of each and sampled some wares. Below are my favorites with a few notes.

· Hayman’s of London – This is a good mixer. Easy on the finish, not too dry and a little more forward on the Juniper.

· Hendrick’s Midsummer Solstice – Floral in the face and oh so smooth. I honestly wanted to stop right here and have a glass without any mixers.

· Sipsmith Sloe Gin – Direct from London and I do mean in the heart of London. These guys fought for their right to produce in London and this is one gin if you ever meet, take her home..

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